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The mechanical parts machining has started

There is a month only remaining until the project's deadline. It's now a race against time !

At the moment, our team is working on two mechanical projects at the same time. Some of us are working with the school's mechanical department in order to mill the different pieces of our mobile base. About twenty mechanical parts are needed to assemble the mobile base. This is a big step to cross because we can't put together the rest of the system, like the electronics, to test that every thing functions well together.

On the other side, some of us are working on the IVTV part. We are making a wooden bench on which we will test our RICA. At the beginning, the mobile base has to cross a pit. Then it has to climb a steep grade of 20°, climb a step and to go down two steps. Finally, the mobile base must climb two steps. The following diagrams show the overall trail.

We'll keep you updated when the mechanical part is over !

And remember, always wear your Personal Protective Equipment !

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